Alveley's Mama VIVIFY Session

Alvely was chosen as the lucky recipient of my Mama Vivify Session giveaway, coinciding with my expansion into motherhood-focused sessions. The idea was to gift this session while honing my skills. I vividly recall the mix of excitement and nerves as I prepared to connect with Alvely for the first time over the phone. Yet, the instant warmth in her presence eased my apprehension. Yet, any flutter of nerves dissolved upon sensing the instant warmth in her presence. There was a tranquil aura about her that whispered of her destined role as Eli and Alexander's mama. 

As we delved into our FaceTime conversation, Alvely shared snippets of her journey into motherhood, her love for her boys evident in every word. Amidst discussing the upcoming Mama Vivify session and the shots she envisioned, I inadvertently stumbled into a sensitive topic. Assuming Alvely breastfed her boys, I suggested capturing those tender moments, only to see her expression waver.

Motherhood today often feels like navigating against the current, especially amidst the flood of digital discourse, particularly on social media. The constant barrage of fear-mongering and mom-shaming, veiled under the guise of "doing what's best for baby," can be suffocating. At that moment, I wished I could retract my presumptive words. I found myself apologizing, recognizing in Alvely's reaction the same expression I wear when asked about my birth story.

Every motherhood journey is unique, shaped by myriad factors beyond our control. Just as my birthing experience unfolded differently from what I anticipated, so did Alvely's feeding journey. Supporting one another through these diverse paths is paramount. Despite exhaustive research, there's no universal "best" way; each baby AND mother charts their course. It's a principle I hold dear at Shutter Goes Click, where every Mama Vivify session embraces the belief that a well-nurtured baby is best. My mission remains steadfast: to honor the diverse paths of motherhood.

Arriving at the river with Alex and Eli, my camera clicked away, capturing moments of pure joy amidst the chaos of mothering two active boys. Despite Alvely's stress of juggling two, I reassured her that my approach to Vivify sessions isn't about posing with babies but capturing raw, spontaneous moments. These fleeting instancesโ€”the tender grip on a bottle, the soulful gaze into a mother's eyes, the playful splashes in the riverโ€”each a masterpiece in its own right, each a testament to the beauty and uniqueness of motherhood.

Thank you, Alvely, for your time and confidence. It was truly an honor to document this special moment for you. Your trust in me is deeply appreciated

Enjoy select favorites from this tender session.

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