Kris's VIVIFY Session

When I first opened my gallery of images, I honestly felt surprised. I felt comfortable looking at them and even said a few times aloud, ‘Oh my God, I look pretty!’
— Kris

It was amidst the vibrant atmosphere of a photography meetup (forever thankful, Mark Maya for leading those photo field trips) back in 2017 that I first crossed paths with Kris—a guiding light of inclusivity in a field that can sometimes be clouded by comparison. Hey, we're all guilty of playing the self-comparison game, aren't we? It can steal both joy and artistic freedom. Little did I realize then that our journey would circle back around, as Kris honored me with the opportunity to capture the spirit of her 40th birthday celebration through a Vivify Session.

In an industry where the chase for the latest trends and gadgets is relentless, success seems to hinge on possessing the newest equipment and mastering the latest styles, all while navigating the pressure of gaining social media followers; it's easy to get lost amidst the frenzy. These outward symbols often become the yardstick by which hierarchies are measured in the world of creative entrepreneurship. But in the midst of this clutter of competition, Kris, like myself, balances a full-time job that pays the bills with her passion for photography, shining brightly for her unwavering inclusivity. With a warmth that transcended the barriers of experience and equipment, I could feel how she made others feel valued, irrespective of their photographic expertise, and where insecurities evaporated in the light of camaraderie. What began as a chance meeting blossomed into mutual respect and admiration. Kris's genuine demeanor and approachability made it easy to forge a connection—a connection that would lay the foundation for our collaboration years later.

As I prepared to photograph Kris for her Vivify Session, a wave of nerves swept over me. Would I live up to her expectations? Could I capture the essence of someone who understood the nuances of the craft so well? Yet, amidst the uncertainty, there was a flicker of excitement—a shared journey of exploration and trust awaited.

Our shoot began on land, with the cloud-covered sky providing a stunning backdrop for our initial field shots. From the outset, I sensed Kris's nerves as she eagerly sought specific directions on posing. But as the session progressed, a sense of relaxation seemed to wash over her, almost as if she was entering a nature-induced trance, calmed by her surroundings. In the intimate space of the Vivify Session, vulnerability became our ally. With each click of the shutter, Kris unfolded, entrusting me to capture the essence of this milestone moment. There were no pretenses, no facades—just two creatives, united in the pursuit of authenticity.

Krista absolutely nails it with these sessions with the sole purpose of celebrating the sheer beauty and magic that is you.

Kris, your sentiment encapsulates the heart of our collaborative journey—a celebration of your individuality and authenticity. Your trust and openness throughout the process have been inspiring, reaffirming the profound impact of embracing vulnerability. Thank you, Kris, for your glowing feedback and for allowing me to celebrate this milestone alongside you.

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