Lauren's VIVIFY Session
“Oh wow! It doesn’t even look like regular me, that’s like next level me!”
The 2021 Vivify season started with a bang AND with this beauty. When Lauren first contacted me, she expressed excitement in wanting to do the Vivify experience for herself. Celebrating her 30th birthday was just around the corner, and what a hot-dang fire way to do so!
With the 2020 Vivify Season called off due to a global pandemic and the arrival of our son, I was surprised at the range of emotions I was experiencing when preparing for Lauren's session. I felt nervous, vibrating with excitement, and felt some honest mom guilt in getting back behind the camera again. Though it was a tangled mess of emotions, I mostly felt an awakening. Getting back to my art form and creeping out of my pandemic-postpartum world, it felt stimulating to sculpt a time and space for Lauren and me to create this art together.
Lauren brought along her best gal pal Syd which made the session super special. Syd was there to help adjust her crown and to cheer Lauren on when posing for the camera. She later said when looking through the images, "I knew they would be good, but I'm in awe! I'm so glad you did this Vivify experience. Now the hard part, which ones to print?!"
Lauren, I feel like my words will never be enough. Deepest heartfelt thanks for your time and trust. I loved creating with and for you!